Official Swertres Result for Draw
SWERTRES RESULT – Here is the official result of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Swertres lotto draw.
Daily, a huge part of the populace is taking chances by playing lotto games. The lotto games got monetary jackpot prizes including the Swertres Lotto.
See UPDATED results for the following draws:
SWERTRES RESULT Today, Friday, February 7, 2025 (updated every 2PM, 5PM and 9PM)
EZ2 RESULT Today, Friday, February 7, 2025 (updated every 2PM, 5PM and 9PM)
LOTTO RESULT Today Friday, February 7, 2025 (6/58, 6/45) (updated 9PM)
For today’s draw, here’s the Swertres Result ():
2:00pm: ![Swertres Result]()
Swertres Lotto Result Jackpot Prize: Php 4,500.00
See also Swertres Result, EZ2 Result, 6/58 Ultra Lotto result, 6/49 Super Lotto result, 6/42 Lotto result, and 6D Lotto Result page.
This holiday season, the PCSO announced the changes in draw schedule On December 24, 2019, 11AM draws will be held at 11:30AM, 4PM draws will be held at 12:30PM, and 9PM draws will be held at 2PM. No draws will be held on December 25, 2019, Normal operation will resume on December 26, 2019.
How to Play the Swertres Lotto?
1. From numbers 0 to 9, select three numbers that will make up your combination. You may also take the Lucky Pick or the computer-generated combination in case you don’t have a combination in mind.
2. Pay Php 12.00 for every combination.
Reminders in Playing the Swertres
- The draw for the Swertres Lotto is held daily every 11 AM, 4 PM, and 9 PM.
- You must be 18 years old and above to join the PCSO lotto game. In claiming the winning prize, the same age requirement is needed from the player.
- According to PCSO, the lotto prizes which are Php. 10,000.00 are subjected to tax in line with the implementation of the TRAIN Law.